How to Automate eCommerce Sales Tax Filings 4

Today I came across a program when helping set up an ecommerce site: TaxJar

It is what I and many of my clients have always been looking for: completely automated sales tax filings. Although you can sort through and manually fill out a return fairly quickly, this takes quick one step further.

If you do not file your own sales tax returns, this might make you switch back to doing it yourself, if you could even call TaxJar doing it yourself. The data you have to provide to TaxJar once is easier than gathering the data you would have to provide to your preparer. The monthly fee is also much less than most preparers would charge, starting at $9.99 a month for less than 500 transactions.

You can get a free trial as well for 30 days and see if you like it. You can then file sales tax automatically for ebay, etsy, amazon, paypal, shopify, magento, woocommerce, xero, and square.

Go to for more info and a free trial

If you think you could benefit from the help of a tax attorney, schedule a consultation with one of our expert tax attorneys here or call us at (888) 515-4829.

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