IRA’s Book Minimum Tax and 5G Competition

As policymakers prepare to renew the Federal Communications Commission’s authority to conduct spectrum auctions, the looming shadow of the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) book minimum tax threatens to impede 5G advancement and undermine America’s global leadership in wireless technology.

The Impact of the Book Minimum Tax on Spectrum Investment

Congress’s 2022 decision to impose a minimum tax on book income, while grappling with the unintended consequences for spectrum investments, inadvertently created a disincentive for future spectrum acquisitions. Although the IRA exempted past spectrum purchases, the tax will continue to burden new ones.

This tax distortion could significantly impact the value of spectrum licenses, potentially slowing down 5G deployment. This stands in stark contrast to countries like China, which are actively subsidizing 5G expansion.

Spectrum Investment and the Tax Code

Spectrum, the lifeblood of wireless communication, is a finite resource allocated by the government through auctions. The intense demand for 5G has driven record-breaking prices for spectrum licenses, with telecommunications companies shelling out billions of dollars. However, these investments are subject to a 15-year amortization period for tax purposes, delaying the recovery of costs and increasing their effective price.

The IRA’s book minimum tax exacerbates this problem by imposing a 15% tax on book income for corporations exceeding $1 billion in profits. As spectrum purchases are not deductible for book income purposes, this creates a permanent discrepancy between book and taxable income. For instance, a $45 billion spectrum purchase would result in a $450 million book minimum tax liability.

President Biden’s proposal to increase the book minimum tax to 21% would further magnify this burden, discouraging investment and distorting market competition. While companies may partially offset this tax through minimum tax credits, the full impact will vary depending on individual circumstances.

The Book Minimum Tax Burden on Spectrum Purchases

Spectrum purchase in 2024 $45 billion
Tax deduction in 2024 (1/15th of the purchase amount) $3 billion
Disallowed deduction for book minimum tax in 2024 $3 billion
Potential book income liability in 2024 due to disallowed spectrum book-tax gap (15% of the disallowed amount) $450 million
Potential book income liability under Pres. Biden’s FY 2025 Budget Proposal changes due to the disallowed spectrum book-tax gap (21% of the disallowed amount) $630 million

The Broader Tax Landscape and 5G Investment

The added tax complexity will likely reduce the amount companies are willing to pay for new spectrum licenses, impacting government revenue from auctions. Moreover, it could create an uneven playing field for telecom companies, depending on their financial status and the timing of spectrum purchases.

Beyond spectrum acquisition, the book minimum tax affects complementary investments like cell towers and infrastructure due to disparities in depreciation deductions between book and taxable income.

The broader tax landscape also hinders 5G development. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’s limitations on interest expense deductions, R&D amortization, and bonus depreciation for equipment investment further increase the cost of doing business in the telecom sector.


The IRA’s book minimum tax, coupled with other tax disincentives, poses a significant threat to America’s 5G leadership. Policymakers must take urgent action to rectify this situation and create a more favorable tax environment for wireless innovation.

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