Insight Financial Solutions Review – Customer Reviews Show Low Rating 1

Insight Financial Solutions is a tax resolution firm based in Palm Bay, Florida, with offices in Evergreen, Colorado, and Olathe, Kansas. They handle tax debt-related cases. They are best known for using Academy Award Nominated actress Sally Kellerman as one of their spokespersons. She was one of their clients according to the advertisements.

Is Insight Financial Solutions A Law Firm Or Not?

It has been listed as a managing member an Enrolled Agent. In most states, a non-attorney can not have an ownership role in a law firm. None of the persons listed as managers of the LLC on the Florida Secretary of State website are attorneys either.

This leads us to believe that Insight Financial Solutions is not a law firm. The difference when it comes to tax relief can be crucial. Most tax relief firms are not law firms and therefore have no obligation to complete your case. They can close any day and you are a client of the company.

Insight Financial Solutions Uses Tax Consultants, aka Salespeople

It seems they use tax consultants in their consultation. This often results in clients not getting a realistic outlook on their potential tax case outcomes. Maybe Insight is the first firm to be different, but most of the time salespeople are not knowledgeable on the cases and resulting in bad reviews in the long run. At TRP we always have an attorney consultation if your case is the type we handle. This ensures a realistic expectation, settlement or not.

Non-Law Firm Closures In Tax Relief

If a non-law firm tax relief company shuts down and you are a client, you are out of luck, and out of your free. Attorneys are required to complete your case once hired as long as you keep paying the bill and providing the documents they need.

The following tax relief companies have recently closed: American Tax Relief, Nationwide Tax Relief, Blue Tax, and many others. Insight has been around since 2008, which they get credit for, as it is ancient in this business.

Insight Financial Solutions – Reviews From The Internet

We could not find any independent positive reviews of Insight Financial Solutions. Their Yelp page shows one verified, one-star review.

insight financial solutions review

He was not happy with Insight Financial Solutions.

To paraphrase the above review: he paid $2,500 then was told he had to pay another $2,500. He then did not get the settlement he was told he would get. This is part of the problem with using

Peeking into the Not Recommended Reviews, there were four other reviews also rated one star:

insight financial solutions reviews

Four more unhappy clients.


Some said they had the same experience as the verified review. These reviews appear to be real even though they are not recommended. Yelp’s algorithm tends to not recommend reviews from people that only leave one review. Looking at the time frames and content though, these do not appear to be fake reviews.

In fact, these look like people who normally do not even use Yelp but were so mad at Insight Financial Solutions they made an account just to complain. Most companies that use “Tax Consultants” end up with unhappy customers.

Insight Financial Solutions Fees And Hiring

If you are considering hiring Insight Financial Solutions to handle your case, you may want to get a second opinion. The fee for Insight Financial Solutions appears to be $5000 based on the reviews, but we are not totally sure. If they close, you are most likely out of luck, as they appear to be a non-law firm tax relief company.

Good Parts About Insight Financial Solutions

The good things about Insight are they have been around since 2008, which is a long time in this industry where companies are constantly closing, and they actually have attorneys on staff. It also appears they do actually work on the cases, which is more than you can say for some tax relief firms.

If You Owe Less Than $20,000: Often Just Do It Yourself

The threshold for most tax relief firms to take your case is $10,000. You may be familiar with all the tax relief marketing out there asking if you owe “$10,000 or more to the IRS.” For many companies, it is the magic number at which you should hire them.

At TRP we generally do not take cases with balances less than $20,000. The reason is the cost/benefit for the client is often not worth it. Also, these cases are often much simpler. We tell people that call us who owe less than $20,000 to check out our tax help guide and do it themselves.

Overall: I’d Skip Insight Financial Solutions LLC

Given the information available thanks to the internet, Insight does not look like a company worth hiring. There are no verifiable positive reviews that are independent. It does not appear to be a law firm. The only Yelp reviews are complaints.

Looking for a second opinion and owe more than $20,000? Give us a call at (888) 515-4829 or visit our contact us page and schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our expert tax attorneys.

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