Understanding and Responding to an IRS CP91 Notice

You get this IRS letter 30 days before the IRS starts levying up to 15% of your Social Security Benefits.

Watch our video summary of the CP91 notice and how to respond below, or scroll down for the written version.

IRS CP91 Notice: Understanding It and How To Respond

Reasons for the IRS issuing CP91

  1. You owe money on back due to taxes and the IRS has sent prior notices
  2. You have not submitted any resolution to the IRS regarding your past due balance(s)
  3. The IRS issues a CP91 notice as the last letter before actually submitting a garnishment.

What happens if you miss the 30-day deadline in the CP 91 notice?

The IRS issues a levy against your Social Security Benefits for 15%.

How can you avoid a levy on your Social Security Benefits after a CP91 notice has been issued?

Put your case into an official status that resolves it. Offer In Compromise, Currently Not Collectible and a Payment plan are the most popular options. 

If you are submitting an Offer In Compromise we recommend you let IRS collections know by calling the number on the CP91 letter. 

Ask for a hold on collection activity to get time for your Offer In Compromise to get to the processing stage so you do not get a Social Security levy issued while you are waiting on the Offer to process.

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